Lower Cost
Unlike traditional warranty companies, we don’t mark up every plan. Caddie’s subscription based model allows us to reduce the upfront cost of our plans and pass significant savings on to our contractors.
Flexible Pricing
Why pay more because another contractor files a lot of claims? Caddie’s warranty pricing flexes up or down depending on the individual contractor's performance. This rewards companies that have less claims and reduces their cost.
Transparency & Visibility
Business owners who use Caddie have ultimate transparency and visibility into their company performance and the true cost of underwriting their contracts.
Tax Benefits
Businesses that opt into the captive program are able to take advantage of insurance tax advantages under U.S. code 831(b). This allows captives with less than $2.2M per year in premiums to only be taxed on investment gain, not federal income tax of the premium.
Intuitive Software Suite
Caddie’s intuitive warranty administration software suite makes it easy for businesses to run their own warranty program. We’ve taken years of warranty experience and condensed it into a simple self managed program.
Profit Sharing
Most warranty programs share very little or no underwriting profits with companies selling the policies. Caddie’s warranty platform empowers businesses to own every aspect of their warranty program including the profits for contracts that have earned out.